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East Parent Association


East Parents, we want you to be as involved as you would like in your child’s education!

You will see communication that comes home looking for volunteers for various events throughout the year. Please sign up as you can to help at Appleton east. 

No time to volunteer?
Show your support for EPA by contributing to donations as they come available or on our PayPal or Venmo at @AEastEPA or by writing a check to Appleton East. 

Here are some of the things we help with throughout the year:

  • Volunteers for Homecoming, AP testing, LMC, Tutoring, honors ceremony, and more
  • Staff appreciation meals during fall/spring student conferences
  • Homecoming Alumni Tent 
  • East Alumni Award Committee
  • Financial support for Principal’s Discretionary Fund to assist with individual student needs
  • Donations for events at East (monetary and physical donations) 

Thank you for supporting Appleton East!