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Fine Arts

Appleton East Choirs 

East Choirs

Students who are enrolled in curricular performance ensembles at East may choose to audition for one of the many co-curricular vocal ensembles available to students at East High School.

Currently, there are three co-curricular a cappella ensembles at East: Insongniacs (female), DoReMiGos (male), and Dynamics (female). As these ensembles are built upon the skills developed in the curricular choirs, students who are interested in participating in the co-curricular groups are asked to be enrolled in a curricular choir as well. Auditions for these ensembles will generally take place in the fall. 

Choir Website
Choir Calendar

East Patriot Players

Appleton East Patriot Players

At Appleton East Patriot Players, theatre is more than just an extra curricular frill, it is a safe haven for creative expression, and for many students the beginning of a lifelong attachment to the arts.

Theatre Website